All central air conditioning systems require regular maintenance. Without preventative maintenance, your air conditioner’s performance will begin to degrade over time. The longer you wait between tune-ups, the more inefficiently your system’s performance will become. The more degraded your system’s performance, the more you will pay to cool your home and in Florida that is quite often.
Inefficient air conditioning system performance means that your air conditioner will use more electricity to cool your home. You will pay more for electricity to cool your home when your system is out of tune. In addition, worn parts that would have been identified during an annual inspection continue to wear out and eventually fail, causing potentially costly repairs.
With regular system maintenance you have peace of mind whether you are a full time or part time resident that your AC system is tuned, cleaned, inspected and ready for the cooling season. Maintaining your system with an annual tune-up will keep your system running at its best over the life of the equipment.
Our air conditioning maintenance checklist is utilized to tune and inspect your air conditioning system. AC units, like cars, should be maintained and tuned to continue to perform at their peak performance. The maintenance checklist provides us with a standardized guideline for each task necessary to perform a precision tune-up for your HVAC equipment. When the tune-up is complete, you will be provided with the completed checklist, detailing the work performed during the maintenance session.
a. Inspect and test all safety controls
b. Inspect and clean condensate drain line
c. Check air filter
d. Check and recharge refrigerant, as needed
e. Recommend safety float switch if needed
a. Inspect and test all safety controls
b. Inspect and clean condensate drain line
c. Algaecide tablets in drain pain
d. Calibrate thermostats
e. Program thermostats, if needed
f. Check air filter
g. Evaluate air flow
h. Inspect and recommend cleaning of condenser and evaporator coils if necessary
i. Inspect ventilation system
j. Inspect and lubricate blower motor
k. Inspect starter contacts
l. Check and recharge refrigerant, as needed
m. Test run capacitors
n. Inspect motor bearings
o. Test air temperatures
p. Recommend float switch if needed